



产品简介:吸尘器电机配件_吸尘器电机碳刷_干式真空吸尘器电机 苏州永捷电机有限公司位于美丽的太湖之滨,自2009年建厂以来始终以质量为准,以市场需求为依据,为市场设计、制造和生产各种串激电机,现在公司注册资本达到1000万。本公司以**的技术,**的产品和优良的服务,竭诚为国内外吸尘器行业配套服务。 本公司*生产各种家用、工业用吸尘器电机,喷枪、医疗器械等用途的电风机电机。电机通过相关产品认证(3C、UL、CE);产品30%出口到欧洲、美国、韩国。 主要产品有7个系列,共计200余款电机; 永捷公司真诚地欢迎新老客户来公司考察指导! 永捷人愿与国内外朋友携手并进,共创辉煌! 2010年10月,通过CQC系统ISO9001:2008认证 2010年11月,获得《出口产品质量许可证》 2011年06月,产品通过CCC、CE认证 2011年10月,正式推动ERP管理系统 2012年07月,产品通过UL/CUL认证:E355127 2013年03月,产品通过CB认证 2014年03月,公司被评为“四**数字化企业” 2014年06月,公司产品通过RoHS认证 2014年09月,通过《高新技术企业》认证 2015年03月,通过SASO认证 2015年11月,通过苏州市人民*认定“企业技术中心” 吸尘器电机(VACUUM CLEANER MOTOR)是吸尘器的心脏,吸尘器电机的主要种类有:干吸吸尘器电机(THRU-FLOW),干湿吸尘器电机(BY-PASS)。 吸尘器电机由两部分构成:电机部分和风机部分,由于吸尘器电机对转速要求很高,一般在20000-30000转每分钟,故电机主要采用的是串激类电机,又称为串励电机。...


产品简介:吸尘器电机_家用吸尘器电机_车载吸尘器电机_吸尘器电机批发** 吸尘器电机(VACUUM CLEANER MOTOR)是吸尘器的心脏,吸尘器电机的主要种类有:干吸吸尘器电机(THRU-FLOW),干湿吸尘器电机(BY-PASS)。 吸尘器电机由两部分构成:电机部分和风机部分,由于吸尘器电机对转速要求很高,一般在20000-30000转每分钟,故电机主要采用的是串激类电机,又称为串励电机。 串励电动机主要是由定子,转子,前、后端盖(罩)及散热风叶组成.定子由定子铁芯和套在*靴上的绕组组成,其作用是产生励磁磁通,导磁及支撑前后罩;转子由转子铁芯,轴,电枢绕组及换向器组成,其作用是保证并产生连续的电磁力矩,通过转轴带动负载做功,将电能转化为机械能; 前后罩起支撑电枢,将定、转子连结固定成一体的作用. 其中转轴,前、后罩要有足够的强度,以防电枢与罩发生共振现象,引起振动和危险.一般前、后罩内有滚动或滑动轴承. 转子: 转轴: shaft 换向器:commutator 铁芯:rotor steel core 端板:end spider 轴承:bearing 绝缘漆:varnish 换向片:commutator segment 定子: 铁芯:rotor steel lamination 漆包线:copper wire 绝缘纸:Iulating liner 支架:bracket 支撑组件: 机壳:housing 端盖:support frame 碳刷组件: 碳刷:brush 碳刷套:brush sleeve 碳刷架(刷握):brush holder 弹簧:brush spring 刷辫:brush flexible 刷盒:brush box 风机部分:...


产品简介:苏州永捷吸尘器电机V1J-PAy220V1200W家用 使用吸尘器清洁地毯时,要按地毯的顺毛方向移动,这样吸取灰尘才能保持地毯毛的平整,也不会弄坏地毯。谨防用吸尘器吸取易燃易爆的物品,或者是温度比较高的东西,以免发生燃烧或爆炸。干式吸尘器不可吸取液体,普通的家用吸尘器也尽量避免吸取金属屑,不然容易对吸尘器造成损害,影响性能。尘袋式吸尘器如果发现尘袋有破损应该马上停止吸尘,并立即更换尘袋。 避免灰尘对电机有所损坏。不宜使用过长时间,如果使用一段时间后,灰尘积聚在过滤袋上导致吸力下降,这个时候可以摇动箱体,尘土被震落在箱体底部,吸力便有所恢复。如果吸尘器尘袋、尘桶里面灰尘过多时,应尽快清除灰尘,保持尘桶干净,以免影响吸尘效果和电机的散热。吸尘时发生异常响声,或者不吸尘时,要及时检查,或送放置吸尘器要注意,放在干燥处。清洗时切忌用湿布抹开关,否则可能引起漏电或者短路。电机都有过热断电保护功能,这是机器自我保护,不是什么毛病。机器在开启后,电机高速运转(每秒左右),就会产生一定的热量,正常情况下温升为度左右,保护温度为连续两分钟度。 电机在运转产生热量的同时,带动前面的叶轮运转,产生吸力会从进风管道吸进大量的空气,空气流动经过电机从后排风排出,带走热量。简单来说就是电机是靠进风来冷却的,当您的电机出现过热保护后,请检查下所有的进风管道,包括刷头,钢管,软管,尘桶(尘袋),滤芯。清理完成之后来,机器在休息分钟左右就可以再次正常使用了。使用吸尘器需轻拿轻放,避免撞击。在使用完毕后应及时清理桶内杂物和各吸尘附件、尘格尘袋。并且在每次工作后清洁,检查有没穿孔或漏气,并用清洁剂加温水清洁尘格和尘袋,并风干,切忌使用不干爽的尘格尘袋。注意软管不要频繁地折来折去,不要过度拉伸和弯曲,平时应该吸尘器收纳在通风干燥的场所。 不要使用吸尘器吸汽油、香蕉水、带火的烟头及碎玻璃、针、钉之类的东西,不要吸潮湿物体、液体、粘性物体和含金属粉末的尘土,以免损坏吸尘器和发生事故。在使用过程中,一旦发现有异物堵塞吸管,则应该马上关机检查,将异物清除再继续使用。...
PCI无尘室吸尘器 干湿两用吸尘器 CAROLINE工业吸尘器

PCI无尘室吸尘器 干湿两用吸尘器 CAROLINE工业吸尘器

产品简介:品 牌 CAROLINE 型 号 PCI-SX15L-WB(百级/干湿两用型吸尘器) 容量 15升 工作电压 220V/50Hz 洁净等级 100级@0.3um (GB50073-2001/ISO14644-1标准) 功率 1200W 单相 气流量 48升/秒 真空吸力 200bar 冷却模式 循环 桶身直径 345mm 高度 580mm 产品特点: 1、*净五大过滤系统 2、符合*ISO洁净度标准 3、**满足多方位需求 4、获得国家 一般传统的无尘室清洁方式有:用无尘拖把、粘尘滚筒或无尘擦拭布除尘。对这几种方式的测试发现,使用无尘拖把清洁容易造成无尘室的二次污染,擦拭效果只能达到CLASS1000的要求。使用几次下来,无尘拖把的擦拭效果并不理想,甚至产生掉絮的现象。使用粘尘滚筒清洁无尘室地面,效率不高,而且需要大量的人力,一般客户选择粘尘滚筒清洁机台或产品,很少用来清洁地面。使用无尘擦拭布擦试地面,擦拭效果比较好,但相对成本太高,一片等级很差的聚酯纤维擦拭布价格也要在0.3元以上。能擦拭到的地面有限,而且不能重复利用。目前客户比较常用也容易接受的清洁方式是无尘室*吸尘器,或者也称为洁净室*吸尘器。 所有在无尘室中使用的真空吸尘器都必须具备HEPA(过滤器)过滤功能,可以有效过滤掉0.3微米的微尘粒子达到99.97%。此外,HEPA(过滤器)必须后置于马达,也就是说马达运转产生的灰尘也可以被HEPA过滤掉。请注意:不是所有的HEPA过滤系统都后置于马达。一般常用的享创意科技的Caroline无尘室吸尘器和享创意科技的Pci无尘室吸尘器是后置于马达,所以他们过滤效果可以适用到CLASS100的无尘室环境。 本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,操作轻松便 捷.内置HEPA过滤器,又避免自然落尘造成的二次污染, 五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达 100级洁净度的洁净风。适用于无尘室,洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等,0.3微米**别过滤,*大吸力及高容量集尘设 计,大大提高了除尘清洁工作效率,解决了洁净室等对灰尘敏感场所,传统清洁方 法效率低,清洁不的难题,解决二次扬尘问题,减小机器在工作中的磨 损,提升企业产品良品率。吸尘器备有各类完备的吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松去除灰尘等尘埃粒子。 特点:*高过滤效果,可有效的除去对呼吸气管造成过敏的有害粉尘,减少呼吸疾病的发生,当你使用吸尘器时,可以减少您清洁厂房的次数,因为它不会二次扩散灰尘,并可净化室内空气,有完备的各类吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松清洁干净,*强的吸力可吸除*深层的粉尘,设计新颖轻巧,符合人体工学,操作时不会腰酸背痛,减少人体不适。 公司简介: 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司自组建以来,一直致力于清洁设备、空气净化设备、防静电用品的生产与销售,多年来公司在不断研发新产品的同时又引进了欧洲工业清洁吸尘设备。目前公司代理**有: CAROLINE过滤无尘室*吸尘器,BLUE BABY 无尘室吸尘器系列、产品类型包含:干式无尘室*吸尘器、干湿两用吸尘器,公司拥有强大的销售团队、众多的*技术人才、**的售后服务、科学的管理模式、保证**、准确、有效的服务于每位顾客。 公司秉承:“真诚守信、不断**”的企业理念,我们坚持走**战略型、**型、合作型、和谐型的发展道路,为打造具有*竞争力的国内良好企业而努力。 经营理念:技术赢得市场,*创造*,服务赢得客户. 联系方式: 于晓敏 电话 Q 电话 4000041895 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司 地 址|福建 厦门 集美区 杏林湾园博苑北岸...
PCI无尘室净化吸尘器 洁净室*吸尘器 百级干湿两用吸尘器 含税运 保修2年

PCI无尘室净化吸尘器 洁净室*吸尘器 百级干湿两用吸尘器 含税运 保修2年

产品简介:PCI无尘室净化吸尘器 干湿两用洁净室*吸尘器含税运保修2年 PCI无尘车间*吸尘器(百级千级万级干湿两用),*强五大过滤系统,*长保修两年,含17%增值税发票。本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,含发票和运费,保修两年,现在购买加赠过滤袋5个。 百级无尘室吸尘器--2650元 千级无尘室吸尘器--2300元 万级无尘室吸尘器--2000元 品 牌 CAROLINE 型 号 PCI-SX15L-WB(百级/干湿两用型吸尘器) 容量 15升 工作电压 220V/50Hz 洁净等级 100级@0.3um (GB50073-2001/ISO14644-1标准) 功率 1200W 单相 气流量 48升/秒 真空吸力 200bar 冷却模式 循环 桶身直径 345mm 产品特点: 1、*净五大过滤系统 2、符合*ISO洁净度标准 3、**满足多方位需求 4、获得国家 一般传统的无尘室清洁方式有:用无尘拖把、粘尘滚筒或无尘擦拭布除尘。对这几种方式的测试发现,使用无尘拖把清洁容易造成无尘室的二次污染,擦拭效果只能达到CLASS1000的要求。使用几次下来,无尘拖把的擦拭效果并不理想,甚至产生掉絮的现象。使用粘尘滚筒清洁无尘室地面,效率不高,而且需要大量的人力,一般客户选择粘尘滚筒清洁机台或产品,很少用来清洁地面。使用无尘擦拭布擦试地面,擦拭效果比较好,但相对成本太高,一片等级很差的聚酯纤维擦拭布价格也要在0.3元以上。能擦拭到的地面有限,而且不能重复利用。目前客户比较常用也容易接受的清洁方式是无尘室*吸尘器,或者也称为洁净室*吸尘器。 所有在无尘室中使用的真空吸尘器都必须具备HEPA(过滤器)过滤功能,可以有效过滤掉0.3微米的微尘粒子达到99.97%。此外,HEPA(过滤器)必须后置于马达,也就是说马达运转产生的灰尘也可以被HEPA过滤掉。请注意:不是所有的HEPA过滤系统都后置于马达。一般常用的享创意科技的Caroline无尘室吸尘器和享创意科技的Pci无尘室吸尘器是后置于马达,所以他们过滤效果可以适用到CLASS100的无尘室环境。 本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,操作轻松便 捷.内置HEPA过滤器,又避免自然落尘造成的二次污染, 五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达 100级洁净度的洁净风。适用于无尘室,洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等,0.3微米**别过滤,*大吸力及高容量集尘设 计,大大提高了除尘清洁工作效率,解决了洁净室等对灰尘敏感场所,传统清洁方 法效率低,清洁不的难题,解决二次扬尘问题,减小机器在工作中的磨 损,提升企业产品良品率。吸尘器备有各类完备的吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松去除灰尘等尘埃粒子。 特点:*高过滤效果,可有效的除去对呼吸气管造成过敏的有害粉尘,减少呼吸疾病的发生,当你使用吸尘器时,可以减少您清洁厂房的次数,因为它不会二次扩散灰尘,并可净化室内空气,有完备的各类吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松清洁干净,*强的吸力可吸除*深层的粉尘,设计新颖轻巧,符合人体工学,操作时不会腰酸背痛,减少人体不适。 公司简介: 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司自组建以来,一直致力于清洁设备、空气净化设备、防静电用品的生产与销售,多年来公司在不断研发新产品的同时又引进了欧洲工业清洁吸尘设备。目前公司代理**有: CAROLINE过滤无尘室*吸尘器,BLUE BABY 无尘室吸尘器系列、产品类型包含:干式无尘室*吸尘器、干湿两用吸尘器,公司拥有强大的销售团队、众多的*技术人才、**的售后服务、科学的管理模式、保证**、准确、有效的服务于每位顾客。 公司秉承:“真诚守信、不断**”的企业理念,我们坚持走**战略型、**型、合作型、和谐型的发展道路,为打造具有*竞争力的国内良好企业而努力。 经营理念:技术赢得市场,*创造*,服务赢得客户. 联系方式: 于晓敏 电话 Q 电话 4000041895 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司 地 址|福建 厦门 集美区 杏林湾园博苑北岸...
新款PCI无尘室净化吸尘器 百级千级万级干湿两用gmp*吸尘器

新款PCI无尘室净化吸尘器 百级千级万级干湿两用gmp*吸尘器

产品简介:新加坡**进口PCI无尘车间*吸尘器(百级千级万级干湿两用),*强五大过滤系统,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达100级洁净度的洁净风,适用于无尘室/洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等。*长保修两年,含17%增值税发票。本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,含发票和运费,保修两年,现在购买加赠过滤袋5个。 产品介绍: 本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特质不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,操作轻松便 捷。内置HEPA过滤器,避免自然落尘造成的二次污染,五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排除高达 100级洁净度的洁净风。 适用于无尘室,洁净室.晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等,0.3微米**别过滤,*大吸力及高容量集尘设计,大大提高了除尘清洁工作效率,解决了洁净室等对灰尘敏,解决二次扬尘问题,减小机器在工作中的磨损,提升企业产品良品率。 于晓敏 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司...
食品加工业*吸尘器 CAROLINE 无尘室*吸尘器 干湿两用洁净设备

食品加工业*吸尘器 CAROLINE 无尘室*吸尘器 干湿两用洁净设备

产品简介:食品加工业*吸尘器 CAROLINE 无尘室*吸尘器 干湿两用洁净设备 CPI-15无尘室*吸尘器是无尘厂房、车间*的强力真空吸尘器,可迅速、便捷、地完成清洁工作。适用于无尘室、洁净室、晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工。 特 点: 箱体采用**不锈钢,防静电指数高。 *高过滤效果,可有效的除去对呼吸气管造成过敏的有害粉尘,减少呼吸疾病的发生。 内置电机恒温过热保护装置,既能保证吸尘器长时间工作,又能保证吸尘器在*长时间工作后电机过热而自动停止运转,保护电机。 有完备的各类吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松清洁干净。较新设计的动力系统可长时间连续工作,性能持久,工作稳定。 *强的吸力可吸除*深层的粉尘。 设计新颖轻巧,符合人体工学,长期操作时可减少人体不适。 .内置HEPA过滤器,又避免自然落尘造成的二次污染, 五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达 100级洁净度的洁净风。适用于无尘室,洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等。 可有效过虑99.99%之0.3um粒子 适用洁净等级:Class 100—30万级 CPI-15过滤系统(四大过滤系统) *层过滤/纸袋(丢弃式): 4gallo(15L)能有效的收集处理可目视粉尘。 *二层过滤/加大的布质过滤器(可洗式): 可以保护并延长HEPA过滤器的寿命。 *三层过滤/马达保护套: 深层过滤,可以保护马达使用寿命。 *四层过滤/HEPA或ULPA过滤器: HEPA可有效过滤0.3um微尘达99.99%, 适合用在较细微的过滤。HEPA全部经过激光尘埃粒子计数器的检测。 百级无尘室吸尘器--2650元 千级无尘室吸尘器--2300元 万级无尘室吸尘器--2000元 联系方式: 于晓敏 电话 Q 电话 4000041895 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司 地 址|福建 厦门 集美区 杏林湾园博苑北岸...
PCI百级无尘室吸尘器 干湿两用 gmp*吸尘器净化吸尘器 含税运 保修2年

PCI百级无尘室吸尘器 干湿两用 gmp*吸尘器净化吸尘器 含税运 保修2年

产品简介:无尘室百级吸尘器 PCI百级无尘室吸尘器 干湿两用 gmp*吸尘器净化吸尘器 含税运 保修2年 新加坡**进口PCI无尘车间*吸尘器(百级千级万级干湿两用),*强五大过滤系统,*长保修两年,含17%增值税发票。本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,含发票和运费,保修两年,现在购买加赠过滤袋5个。 PCI无尘室吸尘器 本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,操作轻松便捷.内置HEPA过滤器,避免自然落尘造成的二次污染, 五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达100级洁净度的洁净风。适用于无尘室/洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等. *设计-**品质 本系列洁净室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,底座防护设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不积尘易清洁,新型弧形调风系统,防滑设计融合人体工学原理易于抓握,操作轻松便捷.内置HEPA过滤器,又避免自然落尘造成的二次污染, 五级*强过滤系统,微米级过滤,可有效去除无尘室内的尘埃粒子,在吸走灰尘的同时排出高达100级洁净度的洁净风。适用于无尘室,洁净室. 晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工,微电子、实验室等,0.3微米**别过滤,*大吸力及高容量集尘设计,大大提高了除尘清洁工作效率,解决了洁净室等对灰尘敏感场所,传统清洁方 法效率低,清洁不的难题,解决二次扬尘问题,减小机器在工作中的磨损,提升企业产品良品率。吸尘器备有各类完备的吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松去除灰尘等尘埃粒子。 过滤方式:一般常用的是四大过滤系统, *层过滤/纸袋(丢弃式):4gallo(15L)能有效的收集处理可目视粉尘。 *二层过滤/加大的布质过滤器(可洗式):可以保护并延长HEPA过滤器的寿命。 *三层过滤/马达保护套:深层过滤,可以保护马达使用寿命。 *四层过滤/HEPA或ULPA过滤器:HEPA可有效过滤0.3um微尘达99.99%,适合用在较细微的过滤。HEPA全部经过激光尘埃粒子计数器的检测。ULPA可以有效过滤99.999%的0.12um(相当于人类头发直径的1/960)d大小的粉尘,适用于CLASS1-10级无尘净化环境,国家航天局**吸尘器。 无尘室吸尘器的作用 无尘车间的净化级别一般要求比较高,但是时间长久之后,无尘室的级别就会有所降低,影响产品的质量,原因在于车间出现了灰尘,初始时人们用无尘拖把清洗无尘车间,可是无尘拖把用了几次之后就会出现掉絮的现象,不但没有使净化级别得到提高,反而造成了*二次的环境污染,弊大于利.无尘室吸尘器以其*特设计,迅速**无尘车间,以工作**,净化级别指数高,使用方便,节约了大量的时间,从而为厂家赢来了*大的利润。 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司自组建以来,一直致力于清洁设备、空气净化设备、防静电用品的生产与销售,多年来公司在不断研发新产品的同时又引进了欧洲*级工业清洁吸尘设备。目前公司代理**有: CAROLINE过滤无尘室*吸尘器,BLUE BABY 无尘室吸尘器系列、产品类型包含:干式无尘室*吸尘器、干湿两用吸尘器,公司拥有强大的销售团队、众多的*技术人才、**的售后服务、科学的管理模式、保证**、准确、有效的服务于每位顾客。 公司秉承:“真诚守信、不断**”的企业理念,我们坚持走**战略型、**型、合作型、和谐型的发展道路,为打造具有*竞争力的国内良好企业而努力。 经营理念:技术赢得市场,*创造*,服务赢得客户. 主营产品或服务 无尘室吸尘器、珠宝手套、无尘室*吸尘器、**品**手套 主营行业 工业吸尘设备、空气净化器、手套 于晓敏 享创意(厦门)科技有限公司 地 址|福建 厦门 集美区 杏林湾园博苑北岸...
晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器 PCI无尘车间*吸尘器 gmp*净化器

晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器 PCI无尘车间*吸尘器 gmp*净化器

产品简介:有效过虑99.99%之0.3um粒子,洁净等级:Class 100,外观新颖大方,表面无螺丝,底座防撞设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不集尘,易清洁。 晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器 PCI无尘车间*吸尘器 gmp*净化器 晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器是晶圆加工业*的强力真空吸尘器,可迅速、便捷、地完成清洁工作。 特 点: **箱体采用**不锈钢,防静电指数高. ***高过滤效果,可有效的除去对呼吸气管造成过敏的有害粉尘,减少呼吸疾病的发生。 **当你使用吸尘器时,可以减低您清洁厂房的次数,因为它不会二次扩散灰尘,并可净化室内空气。 **有完备的各类吸嘴,任何角落皆可轻松清洁干净。可长时间连续工作,性能持久,工作稳定。 *强的吸力可吸除*深层的粉尘。 **设计新颖轻巧,符合人体工学,操作时不会腰酸背痛,减少人体不适。 **吸尘器可专门针对防尘爆及有毒粉尘,如石棉,铅等物质,美国太空总署特别*使用*吸尘器清除货仓内的微细粉尘。 CAROLINE晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器详细介绍: 可有效过虑99.99%之0.3um粒子 洁净等级:Class 100 无尘室*吸尘器过滤系统(四大过滤系统) 纸袋(丢弃式): 4gallo(15L)能有效的收集处理可目视粉尘。 加大的布质过滤器(可洗式): 可以保护并延长HEPA过滤器的寿命。 马达保护套: 深层过滤,可以保护马达使用寿命。 HEPA或ULPA过滤器: HEPA可有效过滤0.3um微尘达99.99%, 适合用在较细微的过滤。HEPA经过激光尘埃粒子计数器的检测。 CAROLINE晶圆加工业无尘室吸尘器,外观新颖大方,表面无螺丝,底座防撞设计,尘桶采用特制不锈钢,不集尘,易清洁....
科沃斯 ECOVACS 智能机器人 吸尘器 地宝魔镜S系列 CEN540-LG

科沃斯 ECOVACS 智能机器人 吸尘器 地宝魔镜S系列 CEN540-LG

双面线路板制作机HW-K195 带豪华机壳)

双面线路板制作机HW-K195 带豪华机壳)







S320 Smart vacuum cleaner robot DC16.8V strong suction cleaner for home appliance

S320 Smart vacuum cleaner robot DC16.8V strong suction cleaner for home appliance

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S320 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Notes: Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union....
S320 vacuum cleaner with large dust box professional cleaners for office cleaning

S320 vacuum cleaner with large dust box professional cleaners for office cleaning

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S320 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Notes: Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union....
S320 mini vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter residential cleaning for cleaner house

S320 mini vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter residential cleaning for cleaner house

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S320 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Notes: Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union....
S320 vacuum cleaners for home with large microfiber cloth for apartment cleaning

S320 vacuum cleaners for home with large microfiber cloth for apartment cleaning

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S320 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Notes: Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union....
Anti collision hoover robot vacuum Suitable for Multi-environment for home cleaners

Anti collision hoover robot vacuum Suitable for Multi-environment for home cleaners

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S5 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union...
2017 best robot vacuum with microfiber colth for domestic cleaners S5

2017 best robot vacuum with microfiber colth for domestic cleaners S5

产品简介:Whether you are home or go out, the cleaning robot will automatically come out to clean your floor, to bring great convenience to the user. Once full of electricity, the cleaning machine can generally be systematically cleaned rooms. It also can along the wall, drilling down to the bottom of the furniture, the dust that we usually very hard to reach places were also catch them all. The body is provided with a plurality of seo to avoid falling down the stai. The cleaning robot will automatically detect the surface of the floor, from the carpet to the hard ground, or from the hard ground to the carpet, it will automatically adjust the cleaning mode. Main Features: ? Luxury High quality ? Suitable for Multi-environment ? Low Noise ? Flexible ground brush ? Strong Suction Specificatio: Part No S5 Product Name Vacuum Robot Work Voltage DC16.8V Rated Power <=21w (Hard floor), <=25w (Short haired carpet) Dust chamber capacity 0.3L Noise <=65dB Charging time 3~5 hou Work time 60~90min Maximum area of a continuous sweep 100~150m Features of Power adapter Input voltage 100-240V Output voltage 24V Product Features Product net weight 1.43kg Groose weight 2kg Product size 270*270*80mm Inner package size 310*100*360mm Notes Please clean the machine termly.(Dust Bin, HEPA and Sponge) Main components Main frame battery Mop Side brush, Power adapter, Itructio Applicatio: Sweeping robot works on surface of ceramic tile, wooden floor, marble, carpet. Relative Models : 518F, 618F,718F, J1511, M-10, S500 WARRANTY &TERMS 1. All of our items (unless otherwise specified) are assured to be brand new and carried with fully at least 12 months’ warranty. 2. During warranty period, if any problem happe due to quality reason, please be cooperative to take photo or videos on the problem and send it to us for verifying. 3. For confirmed product faulty on your approval, we can send you replacement parts free of charge. 4. After the expiration of the warranty time, if you need to replace the spare parts, the delivery fees will be afforded by the client. Q: Who will be afford the customs fee or VAT fee or other import fee in my country? A: Usually the courier company will do the customs clearance, we will declare the product value depend on the product on the invoice which you bought, so that to avoid the customs fee/VAT/Duty free for you, but if the parcel is stuck at the customs, it will be you who are respoible for the customs clearance and pay the required fee. Our product cost only includes the product cost and freight cost. All the internet stores do the same way. Please contact us freely if you need any detail or need any other value shown on the invoice. Q: If the working voltage is for my country? A: For our Robotic vacuum cleaner, our product can work with 100~240 VAC so it should work in the most countries of the world. For our other products, it just can work with 220V~240V, so please pay more attention on the voltage of your country before it working. Q: What should I do if I cannot receive my item? A: Please contact us as soon as possible if you cannot receive you item within the delivery time. We will track it for you and solve for you at the fit time. Please do not open a dispute before contact us. We will be appreciated for that. Other questio: 1. The items will be shipped to order address in 48~72 hou after payment received. 2. We will deliver it by DHL or FedEx at priority, tracking Number will be provided very fast. 3. For tax free, we will default it as gift value below 40USD before specially informed. 4. If the parcel is stuck at the customs, you/buye help courier for customs clearance. Go Young Order terms: LEADING TIME: 3days after the order confirmation SHIPPING: DHL/ FEDEX/ TNT/ UPS, take 2~5working days from China to Europe/ America PAYMENT: T/T, PayPal, Western union...